Engleza, întrebare adresată de militarugabriel, 9 ani în urmă

Ma puteti ajuta la ex 8 si 1, va rog frumos


Giigii: ce scrie dupa : compulsory? easy?
militarugabriel: essay
Giigii: ok
Giigii: la exercitiul 8 nu pot sa-mi dau seama ce vrea, propozitii, sinonime, categorizare? cum ati facut in clasa?
militarugabriel: nu am facut in clasa nici un fel de ex.
militarugabriel: ma gandesc ca trebuie propozitii
Giigii: se refera la exercitiul anterior, ca exemplu. iar acolo cere sinonime, propozitii, categorizare

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Giigii
1. There are two parts in this exam.
2. You have to answer two questions.
3. No. The question in Part 1 is compulsory.
4. There are three or four types of writing that are tested in Part 2(from an article, an email/letter, a review or a report).
make up with=remorse, regret
I want to make up with my brother, we`ve had a fight yesterday.

take after=resemble
I take after my dad.

go along with=to be in a good relationship with someone
I`m getting along with my classmates.

look up to=to respect someone
I look up to my parents.

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