Engleza, întrebare adresată de marina3966, 8 ani în urmă

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Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de giorgi26


1) 1 If i forget my homework i get punished by the teacher. This usually means extra homework!

2 You'll get intro trouble if you talk in class.

3 My sister never does what she's told.

4 My little brother always behaves well when he visits grandma. She thinks he is so polite.

5 I got told off by my neighbour when i kicked my football intro their garden.

2) My favourite novels are by a writer called Arthur Conan Doyle. He wrote crime novels with very clever ending.

The setting was always in England in the 19th century, and the hero was a detective called Sherlock Holmes. The other main character in the stories was Holmes's friend, Dr. Watson. There was also an evil villain called Moriarty who Sherlock Holmes was always trying to catch. The stories are all very entertaining - and there is nearly always a surprise plots.

3) I got a fine of £25 for throwing litter in the park.

She has never committed a crime in her life.

You will be sent to prison if the police catch you.

I don't want to get intro any trouble.

The police think the burglar broke in through the back door.

4) The plane got somewhere over the Indian Ocean.

Our cat got lost last week.

There is one more exam to go, then school closes!

You have to go do some work if you want to be the best.

5) 1 => c

2 => e

3 => d

4 => b

5 => a

Sper că te-am ajutat!

giorgi26: ok o sa incerc
marina3966: Ms
marina3966: Stai ca iti scriu aici
marina3966: 5) Write third conditional sentences.
1.he not play / not get hurt _______
2.we know the answer / we listen ________ ?
3.we have a camera / we can take photos _________
4.I say hello / I see him __________
5.you remember her number / you call her________?
the language. This brought about some difficulties._____________
marina3966: 6) Choose the correct words. Add commas if appropriate.
My best friend which / who loves to read is a great story teller.
The local library which / where I get most of my books is near my house.
This computer which / who I’ve had since 2010 is not working properly.
Minecraft is a game which / where encourages creative story-telling.
London that / where many great writers have lived is quite expensive.
marina3966: 7) Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
1.claimed / never / he / had / He / a crime / committed _______________
2.her / to go / Her teacher / to college / encouraged. _____________
3.you / I / not to / told / too long / stay out. __________________
4.us / They / if / worried / we / about / were / crime / asked. ________________
5.agreed / it / We all / a fantastic / had been / holiday. _______________
marina3966: 8) Rewrite the sentences. Use must, can't, could or might.
Mark is definitely not at home.
Mark _______
It’s possible that she’s in the shower.
She _________
Greta is in Italy – it’s the only explanation.
Greta _________
You can’t be serious!
You __________
Perhaps it will snow tomorrow.
It _________
Maybe I’ll try to find a part-time job.
I ____________
marina3966: 9) Join the two sentences using which or who.
1.A police officer gave me directions. He spoke really good English. ___________
2.Tokyo is a great technology centre. It’s one of the biggest cities in the world. _____________
3.Sonja is an immigrant. She sits next to me in class.___________
4.The audience cheered loudly. This made the performers very happy._____________
5.I didn’t understand the language. This brought about some difficulties._____________
marina3966: Asta e tot
giorgi26: am scris raspunsurile la postarea cu exercițiile 6-10, acolo le gasesti
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