Ma puteti ajuta sa traduc urmatorul text? Draga Emilia,
Ce mai faci de cand nu ne-am mai vazut? Mie mi s-a intamplat foarte multe lucruri in acest timp. O sa povestim toate întâmplările cand o sa ne vedem, dar am o intamplare pe care tin sa o mentionez aici:
Ziua trecuta, am vrut sa ma relaxez si am mers in parc. Ma plimbam pe alee, cand de odata am vazut in spatele meu o haită de caini. In acel moment, m-am speriat si am inceput sa fug. Câinii erau pe urmele mele. La un moment dat, m-am vazut înconjurata de o multime de câini. Acestia fiorosi isi arătau coltii. Deodată in fata mea a cazut o pâine. M-am uitat in spate si am vazut un bătrânel cu un ambalaj de pâine in mana. Inca speriată, m-am aruncat in bratele lui. I-am multumit frumos pentru gestul facut si pentru ca mi-a salvat viata.
Astept sa ne revedem si sa imi spui si tu noutatile tale.
Cu drag,
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
Dear Emilia,
How are you since we have not seen? To me it happened a lot during this time. We tell all the happenings when I see you, but I have a story that I want to mention here:The other day, I wanted to relax and we went to the park. I was walking in the alley, when all at once I saw behind me a pack of dogs. At that moment, I panicked and started to run. The dogs were after me. At one point, I saw myself surrounded by a lot of dogs. They showed their fangs fierce. Suddenly in front of me fell bread. I looked back and saw an old man with a pack of bread in his hand. Still scared, I fell into his arms. I thanked nice gesture and that saved my life. And wait to see you and you tell me your news. Dearfully, Iulia
How are you since we have not seen? To me it happened a lot during this time. We tell all the happenings when I see you, but I have a story that I want to mention here:The other day, I wanted to relax and we went to the park. I was walking in the alley, when all at once I saw behind me a pack of dogs. At that moment, I panicked and started to run. The dogs were after me. At one point, I saw myself surrounded by a lot of dogs. They showed their fangs fierce. Suddenly in front of me fell bread. I looked back and saw an old man with a pack of bread in his hand. Still scared, I fell into his arms. I thanked nice gesture and that saved my life. And wait to see you and you tell me your news. Dearfully, Iulia
Răspuns de
încearcă asta :Dear Emilia,
How are you since we have not seen? To me it happened a lot during this time. We tell all the happenings when I see you, but I have a story that I want to mention here:
The other day, I wanted to relax and we went to the park. I was walking in the alley, when all at once I saw behind me a pack of dogs. At that moment, I panicked and started to run. The dogs were after me. At one point, I saw myself surrounded by a lot of dogs. They showed their fangs fierce. Suddenly in front of me fell bread. I looked back and saw an old man with a pack of bread in his hand. Still scared, I fell into his arms. I thanked nice gesture and that saved my life.
And wait to see you and you tell me your news.
How are you since we have not seen? To me it happened a lot during this time. We tell all the happenings when I see you, but I have a story that I want to mention here:
The other day, I wanted to relax and we went to the park. I was walking in the alley, when all at once I saw behind me a pack of dogs. At that moment, I panicked and started to run. The dogs were after me. At one point, I saw myself surrounded by a lot of dogs. They showed their fangs fierce. Suddenly in front of me fell bread. I looked back and saw an old man with a pack of bread in his hand. Still scared, I fell into his arms. I thanked nice gesture and that saved my life.
And wait to see you and you tell me your news.
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