Engleza, întrebare adresată de ank20anca, 8 ani în urmă

Ma puteti ajuta si pe mine ,va. rog!​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de confuziune19


Exercitiul 1

1 Elvis Presley was the singer which sang Jolliehouse Rock.

2 The dessert has got plants which you don't see anywhere else.

3 July 20th is the day when we'll have the surprise party.

4 Wendy is a reporter who works for Channel 29.

5 Australia is a country where people speak english.

Exercitiul 2

a This is the actor who stars in the new film.

b I've hot a friend which can fix your bike.

c This is the market where you can buy fruit here.

d Where is the poster which was hanging on the wall?

e It wasa difficult day, it was when i broke my leg.

ank20anca: multumesc frumos
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