Engleza, întrebare adresată de d23942v, 9 ani în urmă

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Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Demonic
1 - I wish i can learn such a long poem.
2 - I wish all my classmate will visit Grand Britain this summer.
3 - I wish to be a poet.
4 - I wish that my friend hasn't some psyhical deficiencies.
5 - I wish my father was as good at driving as my uncles is.
6 - She wish her daughter to play the piano.
7 - He wish to speak German.
8 - She wish to can keep secrets.
9 - He wish to can tell her the truth.
10 - Her parents wish she can speak English.
11 - Wish that the teenagers go to the theatre more often.
Sper sa te ajute.
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