Engleza, întrebare adresată de ENTER45, 9 ani în urmă

Make comparisons using the words in brackets
1.Today`s crossword is .......yesterday`s.(much/difficult)
2.The noise from the motorway traffic is ,,,,, in the summer.(a lot/loud)
3.This is.....music I`ve heard for a long time(exciting)
4.Mobile phones are ....I thought.(not/expensive)
5.You must look after your purse....in future.(carefully)
6.The channel crossing by ferry isn`t......by tunnel.(fast)
7.It was....I thought to the town centre.(not/far)
8.Children usually behave....when they`re bored.(far/badly)
9.The...you tidy your room,..... you can go.(quick/soon)
10.May is one of....months to visit Italy(good).

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de dariaa2
1. much more difficult
2. a lot louder
3. the most exciting
4. not that expensive
5. more carefully
6. faster
7. not that far
8. far more badly
9. sooner, quicker
10. the best
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