Engleza, întrebare adresată de mariapmt, 9 ani în urmă

make sentences in the present perfect simple tense with for or since
e.g I/not be/to the dentist/two years
I haven't been to the dentist for two years
1.I/know my friend Paul/1997
2.My sister/be/in hospital/several weeks
3.he/wear glasses/a long time?
4.She/not live/at home/February
5.I/not see/my cousin/last summer

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Oana444
I have known my friend Paul sice 1997
My sister has been in hospital for several weeks
Has he wore glasses for a long time?
She hasn't lived at home since February
I haven't seen my cousin since last summer

Oana444: Dear friend, how was your summer vacantion? For me it was awesome, but it it seemed too short. First of all, I enjoyed the trips I've gone with my family. We went to the seaside and to the mountains. We had a great time. Secondly, I went out with my friends everyday. We took advantage of the weather and ve even gone skateboarding! What have you done in the summer break? Hope to hear from you soon. Love,...
Oana444: stai ca ti.o si traduc
Oana444: Draga prietene, cum a fost vacanta ta de vara? Pentru mine a fost super, doar ca mi s.a parut cam scurta. In primul rand, mi.au placut excursiile pe care le. facut cu familia mea. Am fost la mare si la munte. Ne.am distrat de minune. In al doilea rand, am iesit zilnic cu prietenii mei. Am profitat de vreme si am mers afara si cu skateboardul! Tu ce ai facut vara asta? Sper sa aud de tine curand. Cu iubire....
Oana444: ? :))
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