Engleza, întrebare adresată de DenisDeniz, 9 ani în urmă

Make sentences using the present perfect continuous tense with SINCE or FOR.

EX: Nicola/ work/ in the hotel/ a week.
Nicola has been working in the hotel for a week

1. Do you realise, I/ wait here / two o'clok!
2. She/ live in Spain/ six months.
3. He/ wear/contact lenses/ at least five years.
4. My father/ work for the same company/ 1994.
5. They/ run/ the lottery in the UK/ many years.
6. I/ collect/stamps/I was seven.

DenisDeniz: E URGENT!!! VA ROOOG!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard



Make sentences using the Present Perfect Continuous tense with since or for.

Alcătuiţi propoziţii folosind timpul Present Perfect Continuous cu ajitorul prepoziţiilor "since" şi "for".

EX: Nicola/ work/ in the hotel/ a week.

Nicola has been working in the hotel for a week.


1. Do you realise, I\wait here/two o'clock!

Do you realize, I have been waiting here since two o'clock!

2. She/wear/contact lenses/at least five years

She has been wearing contact lenses for at least five years.

3. She/live in Spain/six months

She has been living in Spain for six months.

4. My father/work fot the same company/1994

My father has been working for the same company since 1994.

5. They/run/the lottery in the UK/many years

They have been running the lottery in the UK for many years.

6. I/collect/stamps/I was seven

I have been collecting stamps since I was seven.



Folosim timpul Present Perfect Continuous pentru a exprima acţiuni care au început în trecut şi sunt continuate în prezent. Deseori se foloseşte cu "for" sau "since".

  • She has been reading for 3 hours.
  • She has been reading since 9 o'clock.
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