Engleza, întrebare adresată de FloreaKasandra4335, 8 ani în urmă

Make the sentences passive.
1. They eat fresh fruit and vegetables every day.
2. We all hoped that we had written the quiz well.
3. The president answered many questions at his annual conference yesterday.
4. The students are taking the exam in history at the moment.
5. They were broadcasting the new documentary at 7 o’clock yesterday. 6. Our team is playing their most important match today.
7. Television has already spread the information. ​.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard


Make the sentences passive.

Treceți enunțurile la diateza pasivă.



1. They eat fresh fruit and vegetables every day.

  • Fresh fruit and vegetables are eaten by them every day.

2. We all hoped that we had written the quiz well.

  • We all hoped that the quiz had been written well by us.

3. The president answered many questions at his annual conference yesterday.

  • Many questions were answered by the president at his annual conference yesterday.

4. The students are taking the exam in history at the moment.

  • The exam in history is being taken by the students at the moment.

5. They were broadcasting the new documentary at 7 o’clock yesterday.

  • The new documentary was being broadcasted by them at 7 o’clock yesterday.

6. Our team is playing their most important match today.

  • Their most important match is being played by our team today.

7. Television has already spread the information.

  • The information has already been spread by television.


Un alt exercițiu rezolvat cu transformarea diatezei active în diateza pasivă se găsește aici: https://brainly.ro/tema/8893679

Explicații despre cum se formează diateza pasivă în limba engleză: https://brainly.ro/tema/855777


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