Engleza, întrebare adresată de fix535364, 9 ani în urmă

Make up 10 senteces vocabulary debating,badge,membership,mastery,to expect,to enable,to promote,to review,to achieve,to facilitate

HELP PLEASE!!! dau coroana

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Hell0
debating: I'm still debating what ​colour to ​paint the ​walls.
badge: That boy
was ​wearing a badge with a nine on it.
membership: Every ​year I ​renew my membership of the ​sports ​club.
mastery: Her mastery of the ​situation was perfect.
to expect: I don't expect him to come back soon.
to enable: Only good ​team ​work will enable us to get the ​job done on ​time.
to promote: A company tries to promote its product.
to review: He reviewed his ​options before making a ​final ​decision.
to achieve: John ​finally achieved his ambition to visit Paris.
to facilitate: The new ​ramp will facilitate the ​entry of ​wheelchairs.
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