Engleza, întrebare adresată de Val3nt1n, 9 ani în urmă

Make up 9 senteces with the next verbs in Present Simple :

clean ( propozitie afirmativa)
write ( propozitie afirmativa )
swim ( propozitie afirmativa )
talk (propozitie negativa )
draw ( propozitie negativa )
do ( propozitie negativa )
sing ( propozitie interogativa)
read ( propozitie interogativa )
play ( propozitie interogativa )

Deci faceti cate o propozitie cu ce se cere in paranteza ! ATENTINE MARE LA PRESENT SIMPLE !!!! Cate o propozitie

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Dya15
clean this,please.
Write that on the blackboard
You will swim  from there.
Do not talk in the class.
Do not draw on the desk
Do not do that
Do you sing?
Does He read?
Does She play?
Răspuns de ovyk88
I clean my room.
She writes her homework.
I swim ocasionally.
I don't talk a lot.
She doesn't draw now.
I do not know.
Do you sing?
Do you play football?
Do you read books?
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