Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

mari putea ajuta te rog​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de dariaalexandraconsta


1) Have you got a brother?

Yes,I have .

2) Have you got blue eyes?

Yes,I have.

3) Have you got curly hair?

No,I haven't.

4) Has your father got black eyes?

No,he hasn't.

5) Has your grandmother got grey hair?

Yes,she has.

6) Has your grandfather got glasses?

Yes,he has.

7) Has your mother a sister?

No,she hasn't .

8) Has your cousin got dark hair?

No,he hasnt't.

9) Has your uncle a dog?

Yes,he has.

Răspuns de fauna7015
Am trimis 3 atașamente sper ca înțelegi

fauna7015: Ai Auzii vreodată de WordPress pe telefon ?
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