Match the verbs with the particles to form phrasal verbs and use them in the correct tense to 5 complete the sentences below. Then explain the phrasal verbs in your own words. on over through Caway carry wear out 1 Her employer's persistent enthusiasm for the new scheme her resistance to it. off down A trainee his superior's orders quickly and efficiently. The minister with the ceremony despite the noise from the back of the church. 4 At a very young age she determined what her career goals were and set out to them Unfortunately, the difficulties he was having at work into his personal life. 6 After the shock of being made head manager slowly ....., James went about settling the difficulties between members of his staff As the day 7 the graduate became more and more excited about the upcoming ceremony. The champion runner liked to joke that he 8 over a hundred pairs of trainers before he won his title 9 To everyone's disbelief, the Jamaicans the trophy in the men's bob-sledding event. I'm sure you'll get the position. Now stop pacing or you'll.. the polish on the floor!'

Răspunsuri la întrebare
Her employer's persistent enthusiasm for the new scheme wore down her resistance to it. - wore down - a reduce
A trainee should carry out his superior's orders quickly and efficiently. - to carry out - a îndeplini, a executa, a duce la bun sfârșit.
The minister carried on with the ceremony despite the noise from the back of the church. - to carry on - a continua
At a very young age she determined what her career goals were and set out to carry them out. - to carry out - a îndeplini, a executa, a duce la bun sfârșit.
Unfortunately, the difficulties he was having at work carried over into his personal life.
carry over - a continua să existe
After the shock of being made head manager slowly wore off, James went about settling the difficulties between members of his staff. - to wear off - a dispărea încet, a se disipa
As the day wore on the graduate became more and more excited about the upcoming ceremony. - to wear on - a trece încet
The champion runner liked to joke that he wore out over a hundred pairs of trainers before he won his title. - to wear out - a se uza
To everyone's disbelief, the Jamaicans carried off the trophy in the men's bob-sledding event. - to carry off - a duce mai departe
I am sure you will get the position. Now stop pacing or you will wear away the polish on the floor. - to wear away - a distruge, a uza
Ce sunt verbele frazale (Phrasal Verbs)?
Phrasal Verbs reprezintă o frază idiomatică formată dintr-un verb și un alt element, de obicei fie un adverb, ca în break down, fie o prepoziție, de exemplu see to, fie o combinație a celor două, cum ar fi look down on.
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