Match the words to the definitions.
1.chemist's shop a)the area around a particular place
2.neighbourhood b)a short trip on foot through a place to see it
3.advise c) a shop where medicines are sold
4.cross d)to tell someone what you think he or she should do
5.walking tour f)to go from one side of a road to another
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Match the words to the definitions
Potriviți cuvintele cu definițiile lor
1. chemist's shop
2. neighbourhood
3. advise
4. cross
5. walking tour
a) the area around a particular place
b) a short trip on foot through a place to see it
c) a shop where medicines are sold
d) to tell someone what you think he or she should do
f) to go from one side of a road to another
1. chemist's shop - c) a shop where medicines are sold
farmacie - un magazin în care se vând medicamente
2. neighbourhood - a) the area around a particular place
vecinătate - zona din preajma unui anumit loc
3. advise - d) to tell someone what you think he or she should do
a sfătui - a spune cuiva ce crezi că ar trebui să facă
4. cross - f) to go from one side of a road to another
a traversa - a merge de pe o parte a unui drum pe cealaltă
5. walking tour - b) a short trip on foot through a place to see it
tur de plimbare/vizitare pe jos - o scurtă excursie pe jos pentru a vizita un loc
Sfatul echipei Brainly:
- pentru rezolvarea acestui tip de exerciții, este util să căutăm câteva cuvinte-cheie în dicționarul englez român.