Engleza, întrebare adresată de sandutadoina2003, 8 ani în urmă

Match the words with their definitions.
1. a philistine
2. relief
3. stockbroker
4. worthy
5. to bid
6. craze
7. to avoid
8. hostess
a. deserving respect; having merit
b. to invite (guests)
c. person whose interests are only material and are ordinary or dull
d. to keep away from
e. person who buys and sells stocks for others for a commission
f. woman who receives another person as her guest
g. something that makes a pleasing change or lessens strain
h. enthusiastic interest that may last for a comparatively short time

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de vladmarin757


1/c,2/g,3/e,4/a,5/h '6/ ,7/d,8/f

vladmarin757: pune la 6 ce a rămas din variante
sandutadoina2003: Mersi mult)
vladmarin757: cpl
sandutadoina2003: dar 6 cu B nu prea merg
vladmarin757: Nu am fost atent
sandutadoina2003: la 6 alt ceva ce poate fi"?
vladmarin757: E cineva mai priceput care îți pune acum un răspuns
vladmarin757: ok
sandutadoina2003: macar restu sunt corecte
vladmarin757: da
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