Engleza, întrebare adresată de gabrielamarya58, 8 ani în urmă

My breakfast, lunch and dinner BY JESSICA PERRY I always get up early and have breakfast at 7.30. I usually have some cold milk, and 1)________________egg with 2) brown bread, and a bowl of yoghurt. At school, I have lunch with my friend at 12.30. I usually have 3)_____juice, 4) ____ enormous sandwich, 5) crisps and 6) healthy snack like 7)__________ apple, 8)____________pear or 9)_________ grapes. I never have 10)_ nuts because I can't eat them. ———— At home, dinner is usually at 6.30. We have a lot of different things. For example, we often have 11)_______ meat with rice and vegetables. On Fridays we always have 12) ________ big pizza each. That's my favourite day! I always drink 13) water with every meal. We never have fizzy drinks at home. 14)​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de adelinaileana2


Presupun că trebuie să completezi cu anumite cuvinte care arată "cantitatea", pentru a avea sens propoziţiile.

Eu aş pune some

  1. some
  2. a slice of
  3. some/ a glass of
  4. one
  5. a bag of
  6. a
  7. prices/ slices of
  8. one
  9. some
  10. any
  11. some (sau dacă vrei poţi să spui de carnea de pui/vită, etc. Depinde de cerința exerciţiului)
  12. some type of (aici nu sunt sigură)
  13. a glass of
  14. bottled (cred)

Sper că te-am ajutat. Ar fi fost şi mai bine dacă aveam şi cerinţa.

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