Engleza, întrebare adresată de GOERKIEAS, 9 ani în urmă

My sister Sandy likes love films.She always watches them.Her favourite film is "Pretty Woman".I never watch love films.I think they are very boring.
I like detective films best.They are exciting because there's a lot of action.I never watch TV in the morning.
Mum likes music programmes.The pop group she likes best is the Jonas Brothers.I like them too.I sometimes watch "Hits of the Weekend" with her.
My brother Tommy only watches the news.He says it's very interesting.He doesn't like the other programmes.
My second brother,Ken,loves westerns.He thinks Native Americans,cowboys and horses are wonderful.


My mum's favourite TV programme is "Nature News".It's about animals.She thinks it's very interesting.She always watches it.
My dar often watches sports prigrammes.
Every Wednesday there's a football match on TV.I think football matches are boring,but my dad likes them very much.
My brother Sam's favourite programme is "The Muppet Show".It's on every Sunday in the afternoon.Sam thinks it's great.I never watch it.
I like cartoons best.I find them very exciting.
Mum sometimes tells me to watch nature programmes,but I don't like them.


1)Which films does Sandy like?

2)Whose favourite programme is about nature?

3)What does Tommy watch?

4)Which pop group does Paul's mum like best?

5)When does Sam watch the "Muppet Show"?

6)What does Paul think about detective films?

7)Which programmes are boring for Tina?

8)What can you see in westerns?

9)What does Paul never watch TV?

10)When are there football matches on TV?

11)Which programme does Tina like best?

What can you see in these programmes?

Music programme:

Westerns films:

Love films:

Write about TV programmes!

I ______ watching TV.

My favourite programmes are ___________ and ___________.

I always watch TV on _________ and on _________.

I never watch TV in the ___________.

I also like ______________.

I think ________________ are ________________.

I hate _______________ and ______________.

My mum likes watching ___________ and my dad likes watching _______________.


Este urgent!!!

Dau 25 de puncte!!!

şocâțel: da dar nu apare Tina
şocâțel: si este o intrebare despre Tina si nu se poate raspunde
GOERKIEAS: Unde să apară!
GOERKIEAS: De fapt,sunt 2 întrebări despre Tina.
şocâțel: vezi
şocâțel: dar in text nu apare Tina
şocâțel: ai inteles?...
GOERKIEAS: Această fișă mi-a dat-o doamna profesoară de engleză.
şocâțel: ma rog...
GOERKIEAS: Știu asta.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Mih2007
1. She likes love films.
2. Tina's mother.
3. Tommy watches news .
4. Paul's mom likes best Jonas Brother.
5. He watches it on every Sunday in the afternoon.
6. They are exciting because they have a lot of action.
7. Football matches ,The Muppets Shows and the natures program are very boring.
8. Native Americans, horses and cowboys.
9. He never watches love movies.
10. On every Wednesday.
11. She likes best cartoons.

1. Love watching
2. Music and news channels
3. On Friday and on Saturday
4. School days
5. Action movies channel
6. They are interesting
7. Sport and political channels
8. Political and sport

GOERKIEAS: Aia cu Music Programme unde este?
Mih2007: Nu stiu la ce te referi
GOERKIEAS: Ai sărit peste un exercițiu.
Mih2007: Se poate
Mih2007: Care anume, ca sa te pot ajuta
Mih2007: Este explicabil la cat de mult a fost de scris
GOERKIEAS: Acela după întrebarea 11.
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