Engleza, întrebare adresată de adrianpavel2009, 8 ani în urmă

My worst holiday ever! Last year, I went on a 1 but in Britain that doesn't guarantee 2 was cold and 3 .but dry, and we put up the 4. After that, it rained every day. In fact, it rained every day for two weeks! We did a few nice things like watching 5 and going on a boat. But I argued a lot with my sister, and I got into - with my parents. So what are we doing this year? We're going to sunny 7 Andy holiday in South Wales. It was August, weather. The first day​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de freefreemoney420


1=holiday 2=cold 3=tough 4=tent 5=seals 7=spain

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