Engleza, întrebare adresată de nicolaecocirlea, 8 ani în urmă

Name:...... Class:... Date:.. Initial Test Paper I. Turn the following sentences into negative and interrogative: (8x5points) 1. Tom rides his bike to school every morning. Negative: Interrogative: 2. They are doing their homework now. Negative: Interrogative: 3. Grandma watched TV yesterday evening. Negative: Interrogative: 4. I was listening to the teacher at this time yesterday morning. Negative: Interrogative: II. Fill in the text with the missing words: (10x3p-30p) staring, night, smile, alone, black, noise, speed, castle, bed, lamp The first night I spent (1) Scottish (2) there in the evening, but as (3) was the most terrifying night of my life. It was an old with a long and mysterious history. I didn't feel afraid when I arrived fell I began to feel cold and lonely. I decided to go to bed at 11 o'clock, and soon fell into a deep sleep. I was awakened a few hours later by a and, to my horror, saw that there was an ugly old woman standing at the foot of my bed. She was wearing a (6) straight on her face. Suddenly, she floated up in the air and ,ran downstairs, through the I have never been back strange (4) in the room. I turned on the (5) dress and her face was white. Her eyes were red and she was (7) at me with a terrifying evil (8) flew at me, screaming horribly. I leapt out of (9) castle door, jumped into my car and drove off at top (10) to the castle since that day. III. Circle the correct item: (10x2p320p) 1. The man was interested/interesting in buying the old car. 2. The window was broken with/by a hammer. 3. His experience was terrified/terrifying. He couldn't speak a word. 4. I don't know much about/for Peter, but he seems to a nice person 5. The police were puzzled/puzzling by the clues left by the killer. 6. The novel was written for/by Charles Dickens.

Cine mă poate ajuta ​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de alexandraelena2


I. (prima propozitie este negative, a doua este interrogative)

1. Tom doesn't ride his bike to scool every morning.

Does Tom ride his bike to school every morning?

2. They aren't doing their homework now.

Are they doing their homework now?

3. Grandma didn't watch TV yesterday evening.

Did grandma watch TV yesterday evening?

4. I wasn't listening to the teacher at this time yesterday morning.

Was I listening to the teacher at this time yesterday morning?

II. Textul nu are nicio coerenta si nu pot sa inteleg nimic pentru a-ti putea pune cuvintele lipsa, dar voi incerca.

5. lamp



  1. interested
  2. with
  3. terrifying
  4. about
  5. puzzled
  6. by

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