Engleza, întrebare adresată de handcapetion, 8 ani în urmă

ne 11 to witness It was horrible (absolutely) Underline the correct item, 7 Dear Lucy, I'm so excited! Yesterday was my birthday and had such a 1) wonderful/wonderfully time although in the beginning, I thought everyone had forgotter about it. In the morning, I waited 2) excited/excitedly for the postman to arrive hoping that someone would send me something. 3) Sad/Sadly, the only thing he brought was a bill. No cards, no presents, no 4) pretty/prettily bouquets of flowers. 15) near nearly burst Into tears. Just then, there was a 6) loud/loudly knock or the door. I opened it 7) slow/slowly and saw all my friends holding 8) brightly/bright wrapped gift: and shouting "Happy Birthday." I 9) immediate immediately cheered up. I wish you had been here. We had a 10) fabulous fabulously time. Maybe next year! Take care, Susie​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de gabseuphoria


wonderful, excitedly, sadly, pretty, nearly, loud, slowly, brightly, immediately, fabulous

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