Engleza, întrebare adresată de sincara123, 10 ani în urmă

New home,new friends

Pearl looked out, of the window .Brian she said to her brother, there are tow new kids in the flats. And the boy is in a whelchair.Look. I bet that's his sister wirt him.
Wheelchair ? That means he can't play fotball, so he's no godd.Brian looked out. Maybe he has had an accident.
Or maybe he has just got dodgy legs.Pearl said. Listen, let's talk to them.
Mm, I'm not sure, said Brian

Pearl and the new girl,Sue, were soon good friends.One day, when they were out together,Pearl asket about Mark.What's wrong with him ?
Spina bifida,Sue aswered. There's sometihing wrong with hid back ,and he can't use his legs.
That's really sad, Pearl said. Can't the doctors do anything about his legs ?
No,not really.But you needn't feel sorry for him.He feels OK about it.
But is it hard for you ? Pearl asked. Yeah, a bit. That's true.I sometimes het fed up because I have to do things for him and Mum thinks about him more than about me.But he's Ok. I mean, he's my brother. We're good mates.

The first time Brian saw Mark's room, he looked at the football posters on the wall and said.Wow ! So you like football.I didn't think... I mean, because you can't ... He stopped.His face was red.
Oh,yes,football is great,Mark agreed. Brian wanted to talk about something different.And you like music,too? Brianlooked at the music posters,and at the drums next to the bed.Can you play those?
Listen, Mark said.He went to the drums and started.Brian's mouth fell open.Mark played brilliantly .How did you get so good? ge asked when Mark stopped.
Well, I have to sit a lot, so I' ve got a low of time to practise.

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Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Geta1955
Casa noua, prieteni noi

Pearl se uita pe fereastra. “Brian” ii zise fratelui ei, “sunt doi copii noi in bloc. Unul e in scaun cu rotile. Uite-te. Pariez ca e sora lui cu el” “Scaun cu rotile? Asta inseamna ca nu poate juca fotbal, asa ca nu e bun.” Brian se uita pe geam. “Poate a avut un accident”. “Sau poate are picioarele bolnave” spuse Pearl. “Auzi, hai sa vorbim cu ei”. “Mm, nu sunt sigur” zise Brian.

Pearl si fata cea noua, Sue, devenira in curand prietene. Intr-o zi, cand erau iesite impreuna, Pearl a intrebat-o despre Mark. “Ce are?”
“Spina bifida” a raspuns Sue. “E ceva nasol la coloana, si nu-si poate folosi picioarele”. “Ce pacat” spuse Pearl. “Doctorii nu pot face nimic ca sa mearga?” “Nu, nu prea. Dar nu trebuie sa-ti fie mila de el. El se simte bine asa cum e”. “Dar nu e greu pentru tine?" intreba Pearl. “Ba da, un pic. E adevarat ca uneori ma cam satur, deoarece trebuie sa fac unele lucruri pentru el si mama se gandeste mai mult la el decat la mine. Dar e in regula. Adica, e fratele meu. Suntem foarte apropiati”.

Prima oara cand Brian vazu camera lui Mark, se uita la posterele de fotbal de pe pereti si zise: “Ooh! Deci iti place fotbalul. N-am crezut… Adica, pentru ca nu poti…” Se opri. Fata ii deveni rosie. “Oh, da, fotbalul e grozav” fu de acord Mark. Brian dori sa discute despre altceva. “Si tie iti place muzica?” Brian se uita la posterele de muzica si la tobele de langa pat. “Poti canta la alea?” “Asculta” zise Mark. Se duse la tobe si incepu. Lui Brian ii cazu gura. Mark canta extraordinar. “Cum ai ajuns atat de bun?” il intreba dupa ce Mark se opri. “Pai, trebui sa sed cam mult, asa ca am avut timp destul sa exersez”.
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