Engleza, întrebare adresată de iuliamrk, 9 ani în urmă

Nicola : You seen a bit fes up Louise .
Louise : Yes , I am . I haven't heard from my boyfriend Joe for ages .
Nicola : Can't you forget about him for a while ?
Louise : That's easier said thanks done ! What do you think I should do ?
Nicola : If I were you , I wouldn't do anything . Or I'd go out with somebody else , just to teach him a lesson .
Louise : Maybe I will .
Nicola : Oh , no . Here comes Jake .
Jake : Hi , Nicola ! Did you enjoy the disco the other night ?
Nicola : Sorry , Jake , I must go . Bye , Louise . See you later .
Answer T ( true ) , F ( false ) or DK ( don't know )
1. Louise is in a good mood .
2. Joe has been away for three days .
3. Nicola tells Louise not to think about Joe so much .
4. Louise still likes Joe a lot .
5. Nicola is pleased to see Jake .

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