Engleza, întrebare adresată de iuliana23, 10 ani în urmă

Niste raspunsuri cat de cat complexe la:
-Where would you like to work ? Why?
-Describe a situation when you were surpressed by something unusual.
-... when one door shuts , another opens.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Utilizator anonim
1.) I would like to work as a air hostess.I really enjoy being on the plane and flying through the white and fluffy clouds.This work gives to you the oportunity to visit the entire World ,a great salary  and also the chance to fly for free all your life.
2)A situation when I was really surprissed was when my idol came to me and made me a huge surprise on my birthday party.I couldn't believe  that it was actually happening. But, after we were singing on the stage I realised that evertything was completely true.Even now I remember my best birthday anniversary and I'm sure that I will always  remember.
3.)I'm completely agree with the statement because  our life is full of surprisses.Even if  we think that our life is pretty over after a fail,we must realise that's not the end. Maybe that the way things had to happen,maybe  another door will open because we fit better in a new one that in the one that just closed in front of us.So, I  think that we have to be patient  and calm because in the end, everything is going to be alright!.
P.S. Astept punctele:>

Utilizator anonim: Scuzati micile erori, m-am grabit sa termin:D.
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