Engleza, întrebare adresată de oanaoanaLorena, 9 ani în urmă

Now read the entire article and decide if these sentences are true , partly true or completely false . Explain why some of the sentences are only partly true .
1 Louis and Lily don't have a timetable for their studies .
2 They spend most of their time studying at home .
3 All the activities are chosen by their mother.
4 Their mother is not a trained teacher.
5 Nowwadays , there are some regular things in their timetable.
6 Louis spends all his time singing, acting and playing a musical instrument. trebuie sa pun si textul

7 Lily won a prize for singing in the Emglish National Opera .

Giigii: Ok
oanaoanaLorena: Louis Barson (15) and his sister Lily (9) have never attended regular school and don't have a formal timetable .The whole of London , and beyond , is their time on activities outside the home . And they don't do anything unless they really want to . None of the activities is compulsory ; everything is chosen by the children themselves.
oanaoanaLorena: este un fragmewnt acum scriu si continuare nu pot sa iti scriu mesaj ca nu mi-ai acceptat cerera
Giigii: De la 4)nu mai am text
Giigii: 1,2,3 l-eam facut.le pun?
Giigii: Heloo
oanaoanaLorena: da scuze eu iti scriu
oanaoanaLorena: textul si nu puteam iesi sa iti raspund ai primit mesajele mele mai am putin

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Giigii
1)partly true:they do have a timetable,only it's formal. 2)partly true:they have most of their activities outside their home. 3)false:they can choose their activities themselves. 4)true.5)true.6) partly true:he is also studying mathematics.7)false:she won a prize at a fundraising party.

Giigii: Cu mare placere.Ms la fel
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