Engleza, întrebare adresată de danielmarciuc, 9 ani în urmă

Nowadays, some people consider that libraries are useless because we can find everything on the Internet.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de manelena24
What do you want to know? Yes is true....you can find evrything on the internet..but it can cause eye and head pains..to the other hand at the library you can read a lot of fascinatings book..and you can fly to the other univers...the unifers of the book you read...Her wings throw you far and help you to know and understand a lot of interesting things...the internet can't offer you this pleasure just apain in the head..

manelena24: mda....sunt convinsa...adica dupa atata weekend...cine mai e in picioare...stai....nu te odihni mai mult acum....asteapta sa inceapa scoala ...poti sa dormi acolo...
danielmarciuc: mai scrie ceva despre tema asta te rog
manelena24: am scris mai sus...tu nu te uiti?
manelena24: wow....acum ti-ai schimbat poza de profil sa nu te faci de ras?
danielmarciuc: nu
danielmarciuc: spune-mi te rog de ce putem gasi tot pe internet si nu in biblioteci.. si de ce oamenii considera ca bibliotecile sunt inutile
danielmarciuc: asta vreau numa de la tine si gata te rog!
manelena24: The internet gives us instantly the informations that we want in our houses. We don't need to go at the libraries to find what we want when we search on google everythig we need.
manelena24: shi atat ca mai am si eu teme de facut
danielmarciuc: Multumesc!
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