Engleza, întrebare adresată de ChatMarron, 8 ani în urmă

Nu răspundeți dacă nu știți.​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard


Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous



1. How long have you been waiting for me?

Present Perfect Continuous

2. Where has she been?

Present Perfect Simple

3. We have been talking for hours. We haven't seen each other for a while.

Present Perfect Continuous

Present Perfect Simple

4. Sue has twisted her ankle again.

Present Perfect Simple

5. Tina and Alex have broken up with each other for good.

Present Perfect Simple

6. We have been learning English for a couple of years.

Present Perfect Continuous

7. She has drunk too much coffee lately.

Present Perfect Simple

8. Have you heard the news yet?

Present Perfect Simple

9. Your brother has just arrived.

Present Perfect Simple

10. Sheila has never travelled by plane before.

Present Perfect Simple

11. We have been sitting here for half an hour.

Present Perfect Continuous

12. Have you called her yet?

Present Perfect Simple

13. I have been doing my homework since afternoon. I'm tired.

Present Perfect Continuous

14. Who has been hiding behind the tree?

Present Perfect Continuous

15. She has been crying all night.

Present Perfect Continuous

16. Mum has already done the shopping.

Present Perfect Simple

17. Our neighbours have already moved in.

Present Perfect Simple

18. What have you been reading since morning?

Present Perfect Continuous

19. I haven't talked to my parents about the party yet.

Present Perfect Simple

20. My gdandma has never eaten seafood.

Present Perfect Simple


Pentru câteva explicații despre diferențierea celor două timpuri, vizitează subsolul acestei teme: https://brainly.ro/tema/322734

Succes la școală și pe brainly!


ChatMarron: mulțumesc!
Leonard: Cu plăcere!
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