Engleza, întrebare adresată de dani2362, 8 ani în urmă

One Saturday Afternoon
It was a glorious Saturday afternoon, and the sun was shining from a clear
blue sky. Thomas was sprawled out on the bed, his t-shirt damp against his
skin. He turned the page of his book and asked his brother Joshua to open the
window a bit more.
Joshua was standing at the upstairs window looking into the garden and the
fields beyond. He could see mum, tall and elegant, leaning casually on the
flimsy fence and sipping a cold glass of lemonade as she chatted
enthusiastically to Mrs Henderson next door. Mrs Henderson was small, round
and had a big mane of wild frizzy white hair that she had tried to pull back into a
ponytail. She was sweating too.
He pushed the window open as far as it would go.
1 Which room was Thomas in and what was he doing?
2 Who was in the room with Thomas?
3 Did the boys live in a house or a bungalow? How do you know?
4 What was the neighbour called?
5 Write two things that describe mum.
6 Write two things that describe the neighbour.
7 Why do you think Thomas asked Joshua to open the window?
8 Do you think mum liked the neighbour?
9 What season of the year do you think it was?
10 Why do you think Thomas's t-shirt was damp? ma poate ajuta cineva du coroanaaaa!!!!!!!! si multe puncte!!!!​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de carmenleah

Thomas was in his room reading a book

Thomas was in the room with Joshua

3.I think they live in a bungalow because it says that the boys' mother was talking to Mrs.Henderson which was next to their door

4. The neighbour was called Mrs.Henderson

5.tall and elegant

6.small and round

7.because it was hot inside the house i think

8.yes i think she did since she was talking to her

9.i think it was summer

10.because it was hot outside

dani2362: multumesc!!!!!
carmenleah: nici o problema
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