Engleza, întrebare adresată de beky22, 8 ani în urmă

o'clock every morning.
Underline the correct word or phrase.
1 Mary is aln) early bird/night owl. She gets up at 5
2 Snakes are mammals/reptiles and they lay eggs.
3 Ron's job is very tiring/boring because he works
4 Penguins have got thick fins/feathers to keep them
5 We always wear heavy jackets/hats when we go
6 Cherries are my favourite fruit/vegetables.
8 John trains dolphins. He works at a(n) gym/aquarium.
10 Sandy is really happy/bored with her new job. She
long hours.
7 Use a spoon/fork to eat your soup.
9 When it is hot and
snowy/sunny, we usually spend
the day at the beach.
likes it a lot.
11 Carol doesn't have any free time during at the week.
12 Tigers are wild/farm animals. They belong to the cat
(12 marks)

please!!!! ​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de biancachiriac25
1 early bird
2 reptiles
3 tiring
4 feathers
5 jackets
6 fruit
8 an aquarium
10 happy
7 spoon
9 sunny
11 during
12 wild
Alte întrebări interesante