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O compunere cu titlul My last birthday party ! de 20-25 de randuri

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de FabianCanadian
  20 May 1980                       
Dear Diary,tomorow is my last birthday, the doctors said that I`m gonna die because I'm too old.This is the last day I`ve ever gonna  see my children, my grandsons and grandsisters my life is done I can never see my friends, my family, my teachers,and my old teddy bear Cuckles ,why I can`t live more .Well quess I have to say goodbye to all of my _________.(daca nu sti ce reprezinta inseamna ce el a plecat si a facut o linie findca nu mai avea curaj sa scrie)
21 May 1980 I`ve got a new report to the doctors they`ve said that I'm gonna live until my last birthday ends.I went to the priests and they spoked to me that God is making a destiny for you to live hapilly they also told me that it is ther final day that God makes your decision to go to the hell or to the heaven.They`ve tested my soul and they said that I'm pured with light they`re sure that I'm gonna go to heaven After this I went to my family that today I`m gonna die they eyes we`re full with tears but they wore strong enough to face this sad moment and they talked that I`m gonna have the best party of all.
Grandsons and Grandsisters if you found this book continue the history of your life this dairy won`t bitte you please write in the book for me.
25May 1980
Hi Diary mi dead grandfather said that you won`t bite me so maybe
 we can be good friend
To be continued.....

FabianCanadian: Sper ca te-am ajutat
FabianCanadian: ma bucur ca te-am ajutat
FabianCanadian: sa zic asa e cam trist textul
FabianCanadian: maine trebuie s-o predai
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