Engleza, întrebare adresată de raduturdeanu40, 9 ani în urmă

O compunere cu titlul The Time Machine de o pagina! O compunere cat mai frumoasa va rog!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de JackPu

About 4-5 days before English class, I said to start doing my homework so that the day before the day I have English class, I would stay calm. I took my notebook, and read the homework requirement. We had to make a report about some ancient peoples, who were to choose. Coincidentally, my father was a huge collector of junk. So I went and asked him if he would let me go to the attic and look for some things in order to help me write the paper. After talking to my father, he left me, and I hurried to the attic of our house. There were a lot of interesting things there, but it caught my eye, a watch that I took to my room to inspect it more carefully, because in my attic, I didn't have a very good light bulb. . Arriving in the room, I took a body and cleaned it very very well. When I wanted to open it on the side of the lid, it said, "England 1870." I was a little surprised, but when I pressed the button that set the time, something very strange happened. In the blink of an eye, I woke up in a different place from my room. I was on a narrow stage, which had cement, but it had some stones like a cube. I looked around, and everyone was dressed very strangely. The cars there were like carts, but without horses. At that moment, I was really scared. Not knowing where I was, I thought of asking a man on the street, in English, because English is of international circulation, I wanted to ask him where I am. He replied to me, with a very serious accent and some very poignant words that I could hardly understand, that we were in London in 1870. Then I became even more frightened. That person was very nice and I talked to her, but it took me a while to translate what she was saying there. He asked me if I wanted some tea, and I said yes. I got to his house, and we talked a lot. He told me that only the war between the United Kingdom and Ireland had begun, and how France had helped to strengthen England's borders with Ireland. The man continued to explain many more things to me. After a while it was around 6pm, but only because their clocks weren't ringing exactly. After talking, at one point, I don't even know until today, but I went back to my room, exactly where I was before I pressed that button. Apparently it was all day, exactly the same time. After all this, I never told anyone again. It was a very strange event, but I had a lot of material for that paper. By the way, I took 10.

JackPu: Am uitat sa pun traducerea în romana.
JackPu: Dar poți s-o pui în Google translate.
raduturdeanu40: mersi frumos, atata ca prea târziu ai văzut tema asta ca mi o trebuia saptmana trecută
JackPu: Vaaai!
JackPu: Chiar îmi cer scuze!
JackPu: Nu am știut
JackPu: Dar chiar și așa, îmi poti da coroana? Chiar am muncit super mult s-o scriu corect gramatical si sa aibă si sens.
raduturdeanu40: cum iti dau?
JackPu: Încearcă pe acolo
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