Engleza, întrebare adresată de AndreiYTn, 9 ani în urmă

O compunere de 150 de cuvinte despre ziua îndrăgostiților. Și apoi tradusa în limba engleză.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de prikopgabriela
There are a few days until those who love, those who are close to the dear person and with whom they share a beautiful love story, can make an album of feelings.

So, on February 14, when celebrating the holiday of lovers, it is loved in a clean, Romanian, sweet way. As in this day your thoughts are directed more intensely towards the soul mate, love enchants your senses and you are full of good will and joy.

Valentine's Day is called Valentine`s Day because it has Western origins, but it has been adopted in our countries, being celebrated more and more with each passing year.

There are several versions of this day, all giving birth to a legend, that of St. Valentine. About Valentin he is said to have been a Roman priest martyred during the persecution of Claudius. At that time, Saint Valentine was a priest in Rome and together with Saint Marius secretly married couples. Later, for these facts, Valentin was arrested and imprisoned in front of the prefect of Rome who sentenced him to death by beheading on February 14

AndreiYTn: Mersi dar mi lai spus doar în engleza
cosmaandra2000: This is actually nice
Răspuns de danielxx512


love, celebration, a beautiful day, affection, attention, decorations, support, people, marriage, hearts, flowers, gifts, couples, butterflies, words, dedicated, soul to the person, these are the words to a person in love! Valentine's Day is February 14th. Valentine's Day is a beautiful day, because everyone finds their love for it is a beautiful day. Valentine's Day is largely in the UK, so Romanians have a day called Dragobete! In a word it's a beautiful day!


Iubirea ,sărbătoare, o zi frumoasă, afecțiune, atentie, decorațiuni, sprijin, oameni, casnicie, inimioare, flori, cadouri, cupluri, fluturi, cuvinte, dedicati, suflet fata de persoana, acestea sunt cuvintele fata de o persoana îndrăgostita! Ziua îndrăgostiților este pe data de 14 februarie. Ziua îndrăgostiților este o zi frumoasă, deoarece toti i își găsesc iubirea de asta este o zi frumoasă. Ziua îndrăgostiților este in mare parte în UK, așa că românii au o zi numita Dragobete! Într-un cuvânt este o zi frumoasă!

AndreiYTn: Mersi insfarsit un răspuns bun, intreg
danielxx512: CP.
danielxx512: îmi cer scuze pt. că nu am 150 cuvinte!
AndreiYTn: Nu conteaza
cosmaandra2000: Dupa ce ca nu sunt cate cuvinte/randuri trebuie, ai mai facut si o enumeratie de 3 randuri, cam jumatate din toata compunerea. Nu faci asa ceva. Ea e corecta, dar nu chiar ok din cateva puncte de vedere
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