Engleza, întrebare adresată de Kiko07, 9 ani în urmă

O compunere despre o întâmplare dintr-o excursie . Sa fie si tradusă in romana.
Va rog mult ! dau coronița

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Altheea
I always loved to visit my grandparents who lives near the forest. It is my magical place, my own perfect universe. Since I can remember, I've built hundreds of stories that still exist under those trees. My whole childhood is there.
One time, in the end of the summer, my classroom teacher decided to organise a trip in that forest. We should've analize different types of leaves and flowers. I was overwhelmed with Joy. I already knew the forest so my mission was ridiculous easy.
Finnaly the day with the trip arrived and we went to the village, a small community with friendly people. My grandma baked a lot of pies for us and my grandpa gave us fruits. The weather was absolutely great. Nobody predicted the storm that ruined our plans later that day.
Once we entered the forest, we split in 5 groups which should stay close to the teacher. Of course, when the storm happened, children ran and lost their path in the forest. I knew the shelter built for animals made by me and grandpa so I could protect myself from the heavy rain. I ran with another two friends. We waited 'till I could've see something and started looking for my colleagues. I saw nothing. Of course, I could find my way to the main road fast and found my desperate teacher. 5 kids didn't came back and the sun started to disappear from our eyes. I spoke with my teacher and I run to my grandpa. In the night the forest is full of wolves so was a real danger for those children. Me and him started to walk through the forest with 2 big dogs that my grandpa had. we walked 4 hours and Finnaly found all of the kids scared and starving.
That was an experience that I will not forget for whole my life. Of course, I played my role so the forest made my childhood dream came true. I was the hero that I imagined so many times that I will be, the picture that this trees created with me when I was little and protected till I came back and made it come true.

Altheea: deja cunosteam pădurea deci misiunea mea era ridicol de usoara
Altheea: vremea era superba astfel ca nimeni nu a reusit sa prezica furtuna ce urma sa vina mai tarziu in acea zi.
Altheea: odata ajunsi in padure, ne-am impartit in 5 grupuri ce nu aveau voie sa se distanteze prea tare de diriginte
Altheea: insa, odata ce furtuna a inceput, copiii au porbit alergand in toate directiile. Eu stiam locatia adapostului pt animale construit de mine si bunicul deci am putut sa ma ascund repede de picurii grei ai ploii
Altheea: am aju c cu alti 2 prieteni acolo si am asteptam pana am reusit sa vad ceva prin ploaie. Cand picurii s-au liniștit, ne-am gasit cu usurinta drumul inapoi spre profesorul disperat ca 5 dintre noi nu s-au intors iar soarele incepea sa apuna
Altheea: Am alergat si am cerut re0ede ajutorul bunicului cu care am plecat in cautarea celir 5 colegi. cu noi am luat 2 caini imensi ai bunicului pt ca noaptea padurea se umplea de lupi. Asadar, exista un real pericol pebtru cei rataciti
Altheea: In sfarsit, toti copiii au fost gasiti dupa mai multe ore de plimbari neobosite printre arbori
Altheea: amintirea acestei excursii imi va ramane mult timp intiparita in memorie. Mi-am jucat rolul, astfel pot spune ca am devenit un erou, acea imagine pe care copilaria mea a creat-o cu atata drag, iar copacii au protejat-o pana la revenirea mea. Padurea mi-a facut visul realitate.
Kiko07: mersi
Altheea: Sa crești mare! (。・ω・。)
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