Engleza, întrebare adresată de rollerblade, 9 ani în urmă

o compunere despre omul invizibil.In engleza si reverso.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Catalinpa14

Once upon a time  , in Germany , was a man that could be invisible , you think  ,,Oh , nice,, but he was abusing his power.He was going in every village and devastate it , he thought that he can t be caught , but he was wrong.The priests prepared an army , that went in all the country and search ,,The invisible man,,

When he heard the news , he knew that he need to leave the country as fast as he can , but he made a terrible mistake.He accidentally touched a police officer . he was confuse but he grabbed the invisible man and with one punch   the invisible man was down.

He was capture and he died alone , in a prison

rollerblade: si traducerea in romana?
Catalinpa14: A fost o data ca niciodata , in Germania , un om ce se putea face invizibil , voi credeti ,,Oh , fain,, dar el abuza de puterea lui.El se ducea in fiecare sat si-l devasta , el credea ca nu putea fi prins , dar se insela.Preotii au pregatit o armata , care a mers in toata tara pentru a-l gasi pe omul invizibil.
Catalinpa14: Cand a auzit vestile noi , el a stiut ca este nevoie sa paraseasca tara , cat de repede poate , dar a facut o greseala teribila.El a atins accidental un politist , el era confuz dar l-a insfacat pe omul invizibil si cu doar un pumn , omul invizibil era la pamant
Catalinpa14: Acesta a fost capturat , murind singur in inchisoare
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