Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

O compunere în engleză cu titlul O zi magică. Vă rog! Dau corane​

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Răspuns de stoicearoberta42

A Magic Day (O zi magica)

It was 15th of July and might as well say, it was just a normal day like all the others, pretty much boring I could say, but at least, I had my little puppy, Akira.

As I woke up, I got out of bed, did my daily routine, called mom to ask her if I could go on a walk with Akira, and as mom said yes, I got Akira ready for the little walk down the park next to our home.

Sience mom was at work I had all day just for myself. Don't think I really enjoy being alone.. I wish I had a friend like all the others, to play with me everyday, to enjoy spending time together, have sleep overs and be ourselfs. But not everything in life goes always smoothly.. Until today, witch was a strange day..

From the moment I put my feet on the floor in the morning I felt like something was there, a strange energy around, it gave me weird vibes but I felt safe around it.

While walking trough the park it looked like Akira found a little friend to play with, it was a stranger's dog, but they seem to enjoy themselfs. It didn't feel like a long while until it got pretty dark, I told Akira to come home as mom must be back from work already or so I trought.

As I walked and walked closer to my home I felt that weird vibes again..

It got me pretty scared as I trought I was just dizzy in the morning, I keept going like nothing was even there, suddenly I heard something that sounded like glass fall, I went to check but literally nothing was there.. After a while I gave up on checking sience there was no evidence of anything. Soon after I noticed my mother wasn't even home yet, but I didn't even have time to think too much about it because my mother opened the door and started calling my name.

I went down stairs to see what she wanted, she soon told me she was just checking if I came back home from my walk yet.

She started asking question as to how was my day and casual things..

Not even 3 minutes passed that Akira was going crazy, she started howling, barking, running around, biting air and wimping, I ran upstairs but nothing was there and it looked like Akira never even moved out of her bed. I started worring as I was interested in paranormal stuff I knew something was off.

The next day I asked my mother if I could try using some kind of app for checking for spirits even trough I was really scared. I had to beg her but in the end she said yes, as she didn't even believe in stuff like that.

Soon after I noticed the app checking around the house.. It detected one.. It detected a ghost or a spirit, I started panicking and asking random questions like: A-Are y-you friendly?! Why are you here?! Can you get out!? Please!

Soon after the app started detecting answers.

By the exact words, the ghost said: Hi. Friendly. Dog. Fall. Park.

I didn't really know what that meant.. But as it said dog I checked on Akira, that was the only word that stayed in my mind.. After checking Akira's leg closely I noticed blood, it all maked sense... The ghost or spirit said hi.. It told me it was friendly, after it warned me that Akira falled while we were at the park.

I really quickly understood that the ghost or spirit wasn't a bad one, and he or she wanted to help, but Akira got scared when it approached her.

If you didn't know, most animals, can see ghosts or spirits.

After helping Akira I just told the ghost that I'm sleepy and took my goodbyes for today.

The next day I had the same vibes, I knew it didn't leave, but didn't really care.. I didn't feel alone anymore, I felt like someone was here, and quickly got used to this all, I finally made a friend, a paranormal friend, soon I got a "ghost box", with this you can actually communicate with spirits or ghosts with actual sentences, everything now was fun, and it stayed like this for my whole life, I'm still friends with Andrew, yeah, that's his name, he's actually a ghost, not a spirit, but doesn't like to talk about what happened in his life and why did he become a ghost. I'm now 27, still friends with Andrew and made more friends than even, he gave me the bravery to talk to more people and make friends. I will never forget that they, I don't know how he got in my home, or why did he, but I'm glad he did, because of him, I can name that A Magical Day!

Sper ca te-am ajutat, un pic cam lunga, si mi-a luat o groaza, nu e luata de pe net si imi pare rau pentru raspunsul intarziat dar mi-a luat cam o ora s-o scriu. Mult noroc la orice ti-ar trebui.

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