Engleza, întrebare adresată de Sandir, 8 ani în urmă

O compunere in engleză despre Delta Dunării

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Naomi100
The Danube Delta The Danube Delta is right next to the Black Sea and is known as the paradise of beautiful flowers and animals. Besides the Delta there are Chilia, Sulina and Sf. Gheorghe. There is reed and whistle like a panatuf. The Pelican was with a "bag" full of fish or food. The schioapa barge is looking for brochures. And even many beautiful animals, most birds, such as egrets who are also there, shovels, and especially they are there, seagulls. As the plants (the flora) are lilies that do not move from the water because their "roots" are deeply caught in the water (Danube Delta), leaves and mites, mosquitoes and spiders are trapped and unvaccinated. There are trophic chains of sin, it is a pity that there are many animals and beautiful plants, but this is the course of nature. One would be: the henchmen eat algae, the slander eat the tadpoles, the turtle eating dragonfly, the turtle eating the seagull and the gull that eats the eagle or eagle. Sin as a seagull is eaten by the eagle, soy or other quick birds because they are so beautiful and there are so many species
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