Engleza, întrebare adresată de andreisoare600, 7 ani în urmă

O compunere in engleza despre o intamplare cu un prieten
Minim 150 cuvinte
40 de puncte!!!!!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de dmusteata080


Once 1 year ago I had a friend. We used to meet at school or on the road all day. And in the summer I played with him from morning to night. The two of us were almost like brothers, everything he liked, she liked me too. For example: he liked football and I still like him, he loved cats the most among animals and from snacks he liked ice cream, I still liked these things. He was in a class with me, only he finished the school year and went to another school. Only we now write to each other on social networks. I think that he adapted so well to the new school as well as to us quickly. I hope that he will return to our school someday, the whole class is waiting for him


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