Engleza, întrebare adresată de andreiciurca15, 8 ani în urmă

o compunere în engleză despre tradițiile de Paște de minim 25-30 de rânduri vă rogggg​

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The feast of Easter is a Christian holiday that represents the Resurrection of the Lord. Every time it is Easter we should receive the light in our souls and enjoy the existence of all things on this earth. The feast of Easter is an occasion to show our soul and to help those around us.

As people but also as participants in this holiday, we should meditate and think about who we want to be, what we want to achieve ... maybe this holiday is part of that circuit of our lives, when each of us he finds peace of mind and deserves a chance at a new life. We must rejoice that we have been saved and be better people, meditating and understanding. Easter is a miracle every year.

Explicație:Scuze dar am putut face doar de 10. sper ca e bine te rog coroana

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