Engleza, întrebare adresată de gaby781, 9 ani în urmă

o compunere in engleza impotriva experimentelor pe animale va rog sa faceti compunere mai repede ca imi trebuie la scoala va rog

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Yoongie
A lot of people agree that animal experimenting is very dangerous. Pitbulls and BullTerrier dogs were created in the laboratory,by breeding different dog breeds. Although,that isn't a gore and dangerous way to experiment on animals,it's still kind of stupid. Animals should be free,in the wild,or kept as pets and be loved. But not experimenting subjects,like Scientists use them as ones. An Experiment gone wrong could actually kill the animal,Paralyze different parts of it's body,or even make them go blind. the PETA association should be more careful whom they give the animal to,because Animal Experimenting can be a kind of abuse.
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