Engleza, întrebare adresată de angelaturcan, 9 ani în urmă

o compunere in ingleza vara anotimpul meu perefert...urgentt va roggg

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de bianca3110
My favourite season is definitely summer, for many different reasons. 
I love being able to wake up in morning to see the sun high in the sky, lighting up the entire world around me. The warm weather gives me a reason to go out and spend time with friends and family in various places, like the swimming pool or the park, where we can exercise and have fun. The fact that the days are longer during the summer means that we have more time to enjoy the daylight and spend that time outside of the house. 
I also like the fact that the summer vacation is longer than vacations in other seasons, giving me the opportunity to stay out more and visit more places. Not only that, but I have more time to do whatever leisure activities that I enjoy.
To sum it up, summer is my favourite season, since I get to do more enjoyable things.
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