Engleza, întrebare adresată de clipamario357, 9 ani în urmă

O compunere in limba engleza cu was si did. Tema este duminica trecuta. Ps: e prima oara cand folosesc brainly (^_^)

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de zafluffyman

Yesterday I was at school, i did my homework very well and I got a 10 to english. My teacher is very proud of me, because i learn good. One day i have not went to school, because i was sick and my ear hurt. The next day teacher asked me why I was not yesterday at school. I've answered that I was sick and dad told me to stay home and later go to see a doctor. Now, i'm feeling good and i'm good to go! But just in case i take some pills with me.

Dacă mai găsești asta pe internet, am scris-o acum 10 minute in urmă la alt răspuns. Mai bine să schimbi câte ceva.

clipamario357: scuze dar eu nu merg duminica la scoala ( ms totusi de ajutor)
zafluffyman: Ok, nici o problema :D
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