Engleza, întrebare adresată de dreams2, 9 ani în urmă

o compunere in limba engleza si traducere in romana despre arheologie folosimd cuvintele clue-indiciu,tomb-mormant,skull-craniu,worn-tocit,town-oras maxim5-10ramduri VA ROG MULT ESTE PTR.NOTA DAU COROANA URGENT.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de adiprotaxi
To be an archaeologist it seems to me the most interesting job in the world. You need to find clues that indicate the place of lost artifacts, monuments and lost civilizations. I would like to be an archaeologist but I think I would have nightmares from the skulls that I would seen and get angry from how worn my shoes would be. And I think it would get tiring to go from town to town around the world to find other tombs and artifacts that would change the history.

dreams2: vrei coroana
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