Engleza, întrebare adresată de AlinBarosanul11, 9 ani în urmă

o poezie cu zilele sap in engleza (urgent )

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de nina1234561
The poetry of the days of the week
From the beginning you gatherThe first day is called MONDAYSOne and one brothersThe second day is MARCHThree brooches are sitting in circlesYou know the third day is WEDNESDAYFour cricket and livelySing it until it's doneCucu-nvaţa to countFifth Day is DAYCockpit in the water sitsThe sixth day is SATURDAYAnd the hard antsCooking SUNDAYYou know all the daysBut tell me how many: SEVENTH

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
I wear clothes for kittens.
Friday all day cos
Then on Saturday.
Even tired I do not stay
That he is scolding me and kissing me,
Which torch and croak,
Sunday afternoon.
Days of the week
Monday, it's the first week
Tuesday, the second is coming
Wednesday, it's the third day
Thursday, the fourth will come
On Friday, he's already on his way
Saturday, come now
On Sunday, he arrived
The week is over.
Seven flowers, seven sisters, How much would you like to measureHow is one and the other,Not even the smallest.
From the garden when you gather them,You are facing MONDAY!MARCH, follow her,WILL LOVE YOUR WEDDING!Take the head off then,Next Flower, JOI!FRIDAY, in the back of it,Then another, SATURDAYSUNDAY in the big run,He was cooking for the feast.
And the garden that grows them,WEEK is called!
Days of the weekOn Monday, I get up to school,
On Tuesday I have more mind,
Wednesday, my thought is far,
Thursday I read a short book.
On Friday,
Saturday play loves me,
On Sunday play holy.
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