Limba română, întrebare adresată de bibica7321, 9 ani în urmă

o poezie despre Ce pot face mamele in engleza sa fie poezia va rog

bibica7321: va rog frumos
bibica7321: dau 30 puncte

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de damiansorana
Mothers are very hardworking. It cleaned,food,especially doing everything to me

bibica7321: poezieee
damiansorana: puneo sub forma de poiezie ce nu sti
Cool111: asta e poezie bai ....
Cool111: e prea lunga mai scuteaza din ea ca o sa iei un 10 pe cinste
bibica7321: nu e poezie
damiansorana: daca nu ie fati singura
Răspuns de laura077
My mother is my hero
As she can do it all
She can start from zero
And still will make the call
She will cook for me
Sing for me, dance with me
But what she'll always do
Is love me trough and trough
Although I rarely say it
And she might think I don't
One word wouldn't be fit
To say how much I've grown
With her along my side

I love you, mother,
As I will never ever love another
as mush as I love you

damiansorana: frumos !!!
bibica7321: ai vazut
laura077: mersi :)
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