Engleza, întrebare adresată de andrei20090, 8 ani în urmă

O poezie in engleza de valentine's day cu rima​

ffffedor9: plăcerea-i de partea mea:D

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de MaryLuu

I loved you long before we met

Life was gentle, there was beauty everywhere, in every moment,

Yet my heart was unfulfilled.

In a world of vast contrasts between good and bad,

I pondered on the notion of love.

My beloved, where are you? I often thought,

I would sit under the canopy of a beautiful tree.

Looking at the night sky….

I wondered if you were also looking up at the same stars,

Wondering where I was……Yet we had not met yet.

Like a warm breeze,

I met you some years later,

All I know is I loved you long before we met.

My darling, your soul fits mine,

Now my world is full of joy,

all I see is beauty around me,

And I know that love is the meaning of existence.

Răspuns de ffffedor9

Ωhei-hei prietene!Ω

uite o poezie de Valentine's Day cum ai cerut!♥

My Valentine...

Be my Valentine, my love,

As I will be for you,

And we will love the whole day long,

And love our whole lives through.

For love has no parameters

And does not end with time,

But is the gift of paradise,

A pinch of the sublime.

spor la muncă!♥

ffffedor9: coroană?
MaryLuu: Poate nu vrea să dea coroană
ffffedor9: Meh nu contează m-am distrat scriind poezia
MaryLuu: Și eu la fel
ffffedor9: :)
MaryLuu: Vrei să ne urmărim reciproc?
MaryLuu: Mulțumesc :)
ffffedor9: cu plăcere
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