Engleza, întrebare adresată de god71, 8 ani în urmă

o poveste de groaza in engleza (nu prea de groaza) pt un proiect la engleza va rog cam de 15-20 de randuri

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Răspuns de drq95
My name is (numele tau) and i'm about to tell you about one time that i think i saw a ghost.I was about 6 years old.I went to my grandparents for a visit.They want some soda but couldn't walk all the way to the nearest shop.So they put me and my brother to go .My brother was about 10 years old.In the village there was an abandoned house right before the shop.It was about 20:00 P.M so it was pretty dark outside and as we walked near the house a loud noise like a furniture smashing onto the floor was heard coming from the house.We thought it was some guy renovating the place and then the window just cracked .We knew we had to run. As we looked. bad we saw a shadow lurking into the darkness . We never went on that street again.
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