Engleza, întrebare adresată de Compunere1111, 9 ani în urmă

O poveste despre un copil disparut tradusa ! Urgent va rog! In engleza si tradusa in romana .

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de nirolf2008
I had a friend named Vasile Craciunas. Starting Monday I noticed that the face was yellow and quite upset. Lam left alone. A day did not talk to anyone, and the third day he disappeared from home when he went to the mother was not home lam cautatcu other friends, neighbors. I decided I must give sal disparut.Mi I took the plunge and called the police.
Am avut un prieten pe nume Craciunas Vasile. Incepand de luni  am observat ca era galben la fata si cam suparat. Lam lasat in pace. A doua zi nu mai vorbe cu nimeni, iar a treia zi a disparut de acasa cand mam dus la el nu era acasa lam cautatcu ceilalti prieteni, vecini. Am decis ca trebuie sal dam disparut.Mi-am facut curaj si am sunat la politie.
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