Engleza, întrebare adresată de muresancalin02, 8 ani în urmă

O poveste în engleza care sa înceapă sau se termine cu propoziția "if I had only stayed at home" cel puțin 12 rânduri

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Răspuns de Lavianda

It all started when me and my friends deicded to go cycling in the forest.I came home excited and told my parents about our idea.My family wasn't sure about it, but of course with puppy eyes i convinced them.Who knew that it will such a terrible idea?Should've listened to them, but oh well.We diceded to meet at the entrance of the forest at 3 pm.We had lots of fun until we came near 2 intersections.We were not sure which one leads to the public park.We all thought that it was the second one,but we were wrong.As close we got to the road, as creepy thing started to be.Trees were full with black birds , everything was super unclear, until we came near a big old abandoned house.At this point we understood, that we got lost.We tried hard not to panick.Out of nowhere , we saw a granny that was collecting mushrooms , asking what are we doing here.We explain the whole story.She helped us by showing the road that leads to the public park.We were beyond grateful, and we gave her a little present being thankful that she helped us.When i came home, i told the whole story to my parents.Of course they were not that happy that we almost got lost and told me that i can't go to forest alone anymore.Im still thinking about it every day , thinking that if it wasn't that granny we would've been lost and stay there forever.If i had only stayed at home , i wouldn't been regreting the dumb idea that came in our minds.

Lavianda: Succes in continuare.Sper sa-ti placa textul.O seara buna♥♥♥♥♥
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