Engleza, întrebare adresată de jii8080, 9 ani în urmă

O poveste în engleza. Trebuie sa se termine în "at least we are all safe and that's the most important" ​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de XtremeSk8ter

It was the night before my birthday. I was very excited that the next day I was going to celebrate my 14th birthday anniversary, but who could've imagined what would happen.

I went to bed earlier than usual because I just couldn't wait any longer to open the presents my family and friends bought for me. I fell asleep. However, in the midnight, a powerful glow coming from the outside through the window woke me up. It was a purple coloured light so luminous that I could barely keep my eyes open. I went to the window to take a look at what was happening outside. I saw some kind of a portal, possibly leading to another dimension, and I was mesmerized by its look as it was something I've only heard of in stories and fairy tales. But wait...a person. It looked like it was my brother. Actually, it really was my brother. I shouted to him to come back, but I believe he wasn't hearing me, or perhaps he was ignoring me. He was heading towards the portal. I jumped over the window and tried to convince him to get back inside the house. I wasn't able to do it. It was like he was under some sort of a mind-controlling spell. That's when I thought "If I can't stop him, I'll destroy this stupid portal." I punched and kicked it a few times, but it was in vain. New idea: get my dad's car and bump it into this stupidly annoying portal that's trying to kidnap my brother. I rapidly headed into the house and took the keys. When I got in the car I've realised I have no damn clue how to drive a car. "I should wake up my parents, but ain't nobody get time for that! How can they sleep in times like this anyway?". I somehow managed to get the car started and crashed it into the portal. Still no results. My brother was getting closer and closer. At that time I was really pissed off. Then I got closer to the portal and realised something. It had a turn on/turn off button. "What the banana?". I turned it off and miraculously it dissapeared.

I looked around. "Where did my brother go? Is it possible that...now way. He didn't get into it. Where is my brother? No, wait...WHERE AM I? Oh...in my bed. Ah, it was just a dream after all. Well, at least we are all safe and that's the most important.

jii8080: thanks
XtremeSk8ter: No problem
XtremeSk8ter: Poate nu e exact ceea ce voiai, dar poti sa mai modifici cate putin
jii8080: Este fix ceea ce căutăm.
XtremeSk8ter: Perfect!
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