Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

O propozitie cu sell,heard,meet,throw,lay,get,hide,hear,got,see,felt,buy in engleza.

Utilizator anonim: dau coroana.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de andradacristiana
Do you SELL this shirt?
I HEARD about you!
We MEET in a summer.
Don” t THROW that !
LAY the spigot there !
I GET finaly that bag.
You cant HIDE from him!
Do you HEAR that song? 
I GOT my ticket.
I SEE that .
I FELT something strange.
Do you wanna BUY this?

Răspuns de Giigii
Do you sell cars?(vinzi masini?). I've heard, you've lost your dog(am auzit ca ti-ai pierdut cainele). Throw me the ball!(arunca-mi mingea!). I want to lay down.(vreau sa ma-ntind.). I want to get my stuff back.(vreau sa-mi recapat lucrurile). I used to hide in the closet.(obisnuiam sa ma ascund in dulap. ). My grandfather doesn't hear very well.(bunicul meu nu aude prea bine). I've got to go home.(trebuie sa ma duc acasa.). I see you're not happy.(vad ca nu prea esti fericit). I felt a bit dizzy yesterday.(m-am simtit un pic ametit ieri.). I want to buy something nice for my mother.(vreau sa cumpar ceva frumos pt.mama)

Giigii: Am uitat de "meet". Do you want to meet my brother?(vrei sa-mi cunosti fratele?)
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