O scrisoare de 120 de cuvinte pentru părinți de Crăciun în limba engleză
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O scrisoare de 120 de cuvinte pentru părinți de Crăciun în limba engleză
Dear parents,
I have so much to tell you! But, for a start, I would like to wish you a Merry Christmas with your loved ones.
I would also like to tell you that I am very happy here, in the Cote d'Azur, France.
However, I feel a nonstalgia when I think that I will not be with you this Christmas
Please send my grandparents a lot of happiness from me, and tell them that I am very sorry that I cannot give them Christmas presents with my own hand.
Tell them I mailed him the presents, just like you.
Please let me know when you receive them!
With love,
..........(numele tau)
Eu m-am facut ca eram in Franta, la Coasta de Azur, si le trimiteam o scrisoare parintilor mei, acasa